2002 Gourd Art 'n' More by Kasin Hunter

In an effort to keep my visitors updated on my latest gourd art, I've added on a web site with Tripod. Below are my latest gourd art pieces and other art selections for the year 2002. Any questions may be routed to kasin1@comcast.net.

Thank you. Kasin Hunter.

(Go here for Kasin Hunter's year 2001 Gourd Art.)

(Go here for Kasin Hunter's year 2000 and prior Gourd Art, writing, etc.

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Or you can scroll down to the bottom of the page for direct links.

-- A quick site search --

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beaded egg gourdBeaded gourds. My first beaded egg gourd and three beaded amulet purses.

Devil's Claw flower2002 Gourd Garden.

Art From My Heart gourd art gallery
Kasin's email