Welcome to Kasin Hunter's
2001 Gourd Garden - The Fall
Walk though my archway, beneath the swollen gourds and soft leaves. Welcome to my Fall
2001 garden.
Some areas around the country are now in their frosty times. We still have 90 degree
days here in Tucson, Arizona, USA. I took some shots of the gourd garden which is still
growing strong, putting on flowers and fruits.
At this time of year, the gourd garden is a strange mixture of older, matured, dried fruit and
fruit that is just coming on. Many of these late bloomers, like the zucca won't make it
to maturity before the first frost; but many of the gourds already established during
mid-summer will mature fine. Here's a few pics.
Late comers to the garden - baby zuccas. It is too late for them to mature. I saved
some seeds for next spring so I can try them earlier next year.
Here's the same zucca a week later.
A trio of mid-summer gourds drying now. See how the stems are almost brown? These
will be ready to pick in a couple more days. These are smaller gourds, maybe six inches
diameter each.
Here is a good example of how Fall is in Southern Arizona. There is one gourd shown here
that is already dried from the Spring planting and two more not yet matured.
It is now October 28th. This is typical gourd garden growth for our area.
Fall garden with sunflower stalks used as frames for the pea plants just now poking
their head up.
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