Birdhouses Made

From Gourds

by Kasin Hunter,


One of fun things to do with gourd birdhouses is to gift them to friends and family.  Below are some of the birdhouses used in exchanges or made their way to family members.

birdhouse exchange, 2001

close up

In the year 2001, I made this rustic, western-style birdhouse for an exchange I was participating in.  The theme is adobe structure.  The flush features are pyroengraved (hot tip pen) in.  The ladder by the door is handmade from simple twigs I gathered from my daily walks.  Same for the supportive crosspieces

At closeup you can   see how the jute is crisscrossed.  The chile pepper ristra is handmade from paper clay and silk leaves.  The fronds pyroengraved at the apex are simulating mesquite leaves.
1997 birdhouse

This colorful decorative birdhouse is from 1997.  It found its way to a friend's mother.

Features: pyroengraved, painted, and gold gilt work.

(Note that the portal is not in the right spot for a functional birdhouse.  This was decorative for indoor use only.)
for wrent sign

welcome birdhouse

no crows birdhouse
Using store-bought features can add a whimsical touch, like these two signs hanging over the portal.

 -- "For Wrent" --

-- "Welcome" --

And of course,

-- "No crows allowed." --

More birdhouses made from gourds --->