No Ham. :)
Yesterday, my little Araucana blessed me
with a lovely, little green egg. It's gorgeous. I was hoping for
either blue or green and had been eagerly waiting.
See, all my other hens have already started laying, except for
little one, Lovey, who had the dog attack. (She's recovering
nicely, by the way. Everyone has gotten wing-clipped, so no more
traveling into the neighbor's yard.) I've been getting brown and
white eggs for several weeks now. But up until yesterday, no eggs
from the Araucana.
Well, she finally caught up, and I got my
first egg from her. Here's the first picture!

The green egg is the one top center, of course.
The white one is from White, my White Leghorn.
The browns are from Barred Rocks, Red Sex Links, and
Rhode Island Reds.
Araucana and White, my White Leghorn
picking some goodies off the ground.
My little Araucana was scratching around
the nesting area in the coop which is very unusual for her. She's
hardly ever in there. She spent about ten to fifteen minutes
scratching around some new alfalfa I had just laid down, sat in it,
wiggled around, picked at it; but then moved to another spot. She
did the same thing to five different nesting areas. After about
an hour or so, I gave up hoping for the big event, and retreated
into the workshop to pay some bills.
Just before work, I went out to give the
dogs milkbones, and there on the gravel was her gorgeous pastel green
egg. I was so excited.

You can really see the difference between
the green egg at 10:00 o'clock and three browns and the white egg
at 5:00 o'clock. I put it up against my paint bottles, and it
more closely matches a pastel green color. The closest
color match on the Dutch Boy color chart is "Contemplation" #310-2.

Here, Red and Spot are looking over the egg. Can chickens see

Here's a good closeup with Red looking on.
What a neat day! I have a yard full
of rainbow chickens and now rainbow eggs. :) :)
Here's my Araucana's beautiful back feathers. I love the patterning
and color. She stopped for a belly scratch, so it was easy to get the
picture with my free hand. She likes belly scratches.
The background seamless tile on this page
(sample above) is fashioned from this picture of her feathers. I
selected a portion of the picture then ran it through my effects editor
for oil painting then topography. The seamless editor was used to make
the seamless tile. Pretty effect, don't you think? I wouldn't
mind having this on the walls to a den or as a large wall hanging.
This is the
Araucana in the yard. I still think he's a male, although he's over
five months old and hasn't crowed yet. He hasn't laid an egg either, so
I'm still wondering about 'im. :)

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