Welcome to a continuing online look at Judy Iwata-Smith and her family's
Gourd, Herb, and Pistachio Farm
Another enterprise is Judy's herb garden. Rather than planted in square rows like typical
gardens, this one has circular rows, making it friendly and welcoming. Step over the fence
with us and take a look inside:
Judy grows many herbs and vegetables to sell at regional markets. She grows calendula . . .
. . . echinecea . . .
. . . and uses chicken wire to protect her plants from birds . . .
Ever hear of T-tape? It's a great irrigation system using long lines of flat, plastic,
hollow, tape. When fixed together on a central water supply, water feeds into each row
with little water waste. Another benefit is that T-tape rarely plugs up like emiters.
With all that work behind her each day, Judy takes time to cook a nice meal in her
outdoor adobe oven.
Occasionally, Judy and her dogs take a dip in the pond, a local government-supported project
built to encourage migrating flocks to take a dip, too.
The duck to the left is HeShe, a duck that flew in and decided to stay. Judy
understood that HeShe liked being independant, not wanting the company of the other ducks
in the open-topped wire pen.
When the work is over and the weather is right, Judy enjoys this outdoor tub. It is
ingeniously heated underneath with flow through venting, heat made with a wood fire
Phone number: 1-520-824-3644
Judy is a member in good standing with The Southern Arizona Gourd Association