Hot Gourds!
It's been such a thrill to see these
wonderful plants take off so well after I've been virtually gourdless for
two entire years. At the end of March of this year, I took a variety of
gourds, radishes, sunflowers, squashes, and (oh, a bunch of seeds) and
tossed them together in a jar of warm water, let them stew for 24 hours,
then planted them at random around the small postage stamp size garden
I just worked for the first time this year. I added some compost I'd been
brewing over the last several months, a little sand, a little gypsum to
break down the thick, clay soil. THIS was the result! Enjoy!
Looking east. Tall rise just
left of center is gourds on metal trellis. Trellis is 8
feet tall. Bright red splash of floral color to right is Bird of
base of gourd trellis on its north side, a white resin chair is being overtaken
by gourd vines. The gourd vine growth is lush and lovely. I love the feel
of soft gourd leaves.
To the right, south, of the gourd trellis is a stand of 8 foot tall native
sunflowers with "faces" that measure 12 inches across. Seeds were purchased
from the Native Seed SEARCH here in Tucson, Arizona. I gladly share with
those who want some. (How do I know these sunflowers are eight feet tall?
My roommate is 6'5" and they are well over his head!! smile)
Some of the gourds now on the vine in my 2001 gourd garden. These pictures were taken
about a month and a half after the pics above.
Here's a couple examples of using socks and sunscreen material as hammocks to hold the
gourds up, taking the weight off the fragile stems.
One thing I did besides using string and cloth to hang my gourds is use wire. I wrap
a spiral around the gourd, then hook the end and hang it off the fence. Here's one that
is starting to grow into the wire. When done and dry, the metal hanger will serve as a
hanger for the finished gourd art or utility piece.
Here's a cutey - a gourd that grew under the mail box. I redistributed the weight with
the cloth strip. I think the mail person gets a kick out this because he hasn't complained
about it being there.
During the hotest hours of the day, all the gourd leaves wilt down and look like this.
For us in the desert, this is normal. Come evening, they perk back up, but ONLY if they
had been adequately watered that morning or have retained water from the day before in
well mulched soil. If they don't pick back up come the cooler temps of the evening, they
could easily die.
Here are those sunflowers you saw above. Now they are mature. The heads are bent over
due to the sheer weight of the seedhead. I've measured the seedheads, and they average
a foot across. To protect some of the seed crop, I've fashioned "shower caps" out of
plastic sunscreen cloth and drew it round each seedhead with string. This keeps these
seeds safe from the many birds that visit each day. I let the birds have the rest of the
crop. These protected seedheads are for me, however, and will be next years sunflower crop.
I purchased these seeds from Native Seed SEARCH, here, in Tucson, Arizona. They are
heirloom seeds and will generate more crop next year with ease.
Thank you for visiting.
2001 Gourd Art Gallery by Kasin Hunter? or
Art From My Heart
gourd art gallery